A List Of Great Argumentative Essay Topics For Fahrenheit 451

The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to show your side of an issue. You will make a decision on what side of issue you want to take and then present a case to support it. You will want to make sure that you convince your audience to agree with your side of the issue by only using facts and not opinions. Argumentative essays work to prove one side of an issue by presenting evidence. This essay is different from a persuasive essay that relies on your opinion because you will try to avoid giving your opinion. You will also add an additional paragraph where you will present the opposing opinion and specifically refute the ideas.

Choosing a topic for an argumentative essay on Fahrenheit 451 can be difficult because you have to choose a topic that is controversial. You can’t write it on a topic about a fact of the book but rather write a paper on what the book portrays about life. These topics are great ones to write your paper on. You can use one of these ideas to write your paper, disagree with one of the topics, or use the list to come up with your own topic.

  1. Responsibility to others will diminish since there will be a large push to please oneself
  2. Educational expectations will eventually have to be lowered
  3. Schools will eventually become too overcrowded
  4. Technology will make knowing everything about a subject obsolete
  5. Reading is overrated
  6. Education is concentrated on knowing facts rather than thinking and questioning the material
  7. Censorship will eventually remove everything to prevent offending anyone
  8. Learning leads to inequality
  9. Most people would not care if books became illegal
  10. Knowing facts about various subjects will become less important as technology continues to advance

The main focus of this novel was that education and books will eventually be obsolete. The author believes that with the advances in technology and the fact that people can get information without having to read a book that the whole educational system will eventually fall apart or become obsolete. You should write a paper that either agrees or disagrees with an overall belief that is described or discussed in the piece. Your thesis statement should begin with your main point and list at least three supporting reasons.

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