10 Strong Essay Topics on War against Terrorism for College Students

There is no doubt that terrorism has a profound effect on the world. Various tactics are used to try and control the people, government or the economy. It is known that terrorism has a profound effect, but how much of an effect does it have? How can we measure the world’s response to the acts of violence being brought on the innocent people of the affected region?

Many people around the world know what it is to have terror upon them. What measures are being taken against these acts? How can we come together to stop it? Do the terrorists have a point? Here are some strong topics that you can explore when confronting this issue.

10 Strong Essay Topics on Terrorism

  • What anti-terrorism tactics and measures are being taken to help stop them from happening? Do they have the desired effect?
  • Is there such a thing as effective terrorism? Do they just want to get their message out, but act through misguided means? What is their real objective and can there be another way for both sides to approach it?
  • The aftermath of terrorism. Who really suffers through these acts of extreme violence? How can we protect the innocent?
  • The different types of terrorism. What tactics have been used throughout the decades?
  • Politics of Terror. How they form their own leadership.
  • Alliances made through terror. Why countries team up to fight against the enemy, even if the countries in the alliance pact are enemies themselves?
  • The true toll. The cost of lives, money and infrastructure.
  • Propaganda- Is it wrong on both sides?
  • Does the mass media coverage spur on the acts of terror?
  • Economics- What happens in the domino effect?

Strong feelings are bound to arise during the research that is necessary and needed to complete your paper. Remember that terrorism has been happening for thousands of years and is most likely a major contributing force that shapes the future. When working on this project, remember to view it in an unbiased state. This will help in producing a well-written and thought-out research paper that presents all the facts that you have uncovered.

Is it just another way of life? A force that drives the world to evolve and understand more about each other? Can we all learn to lead out our lives in a more peaceful way, or must the human race endure violence for all time? How have acts of extreme violence helped to shape the free countries of the world?

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