A List Of Compelling Essay Topics That Will Blow Your Mind

Essays are almost always tricky and interesting to write. Though all of us at some point of time has complained or has been exhausted with essay writing. Essays are a certain piece of writing which can be on any topic and can be related to any subject or topic or any areas or field. An essay can be of various varieties. But, typically, a write up contains an introduction part which explains the purpose and usually defines the topic. The next portion is the body in which a write up writer explains, discussed and dig deep into the concerned topic and finally comes the conclusion part where the final opinion an end piece is written. Though there are mostly a lot of conventional essay topics available for writings, these days in universities, schools and colleges, a variety of contemporary, compelling and mind blowing essay topics are being assigned to the students. In this article we will try to explore as many of these types of unique and mind-blowing write up topics.

List of compelling and mind blowing write up topics

There are a lot of contemporary topics like current and old political topics, socioeconomic and environmental topics, historical, literature and scientific topics. But the most interesting topics are perhaps preserved for the persuasive and argument type of write ups. Some of such topics are:

  • How career oriented are school and university degrees?
  • Should kids be awarded with cash prize money for good grades?
  • Freedom of speech and rights.
  • Ideal parenting and child rearing techniques.
  • Should women be subjected as objects in various type of advertisements?
  • Women empowerment.
  • Importance of early sex education in schools and colleges.
  • Should annual driving test be made mandatory for elderly people and senior citizens?
  • Anti-bullying campaigns in schools and colleges.
  • Working from home: various avenues for qualified stay at home moms.
  • Whether pets should be allowed in schools and play schools.
  • Whether personal music systems should be allowed in schools.
  • Religious tolerance worldwide.
  • Impact of globalization.
  • Glass ceiling: A myth or a reality for women in corporate world.
  • Pros and cons of alcohol consumption.
  • Strictness of drink and drive felony.
  • Should English be made official language worldwide?
  • Online homework writing providers: boon or menace for the student community.
  • Can religion really become a reason for warfare?
  • Obama care: How relevant is it to the lower strata of the society.

These above topics only provides an outline, topics can vary widely based on their topic and area of concern.

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